
Lucy’s Tribute to Peter 

In her tribute to her brother Peter, Lucy Harrison recalls how he celebrated with her when she got 4 A’s in her exams. He brought her hot chocolate and a crunchy to perk her up. There was never jealousy or resentment in their relationships.

He was really proud of his younger sister. He really showed is love. He loved Neil Diamond. The song Sweet Caroline brought such joy to him. He used to say, ‘I don’t think I will live long’. Maybe he understood the fragility of life.

Tragically Peter was killed in a car crash. He never got to 40 years old. His grieving sister was so devastated. She went to work changing things and had been working ever since. Along the way she discovered that a space was needed for siblings who had lost siblings in road incidences.

With the support of RoadPeace ànd Lucy’s vision the sibling support group was born. On the surface low numbers of siblings are reaching out for help. Since the launch of the sibling group a safe place of care and compassion has been born. More and more sisters ànd brothers have been showing up sharing their stories and comforting each other in loss. Group members build their resilience and find a way of acceptance and finding ways of living on a different path – one they least expected.

Out of Lucy’s loss her love for her brother Peter is changing so many lives.

To hear the rest of Lucy’s tribute listen to the full podcast.