About Paula

Paula Okonneh

Paula Okonneh


Paula Okonneh

Paula Okonneh is a global podcaster , a podcast coach, and a podcast manager . In 2020 she changed the focus of her podcast, Chatting with The Experts  from interviewing  small business owners to seeking out, interviewing and showcasing women (and first and second generations children of these immigrants ) from Africa and the Caribbean who had migrated to North America, Europe ,  the USA and the UK.

Coaching women on how to start podcasting was a service she offered and one of her coaching clients, Tesse Akpeki told her that she wanted to start a podcast and asked her to  co-host  it with her. Fast forward to 2022, Paula now hosts 2 successful podcasts in the UK – TesseTalks and TesseLeads.

Her passion is to amplify the voices of others and to enable them to tell their stories.

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    We would love to hear your story. Please send at email to us to indicate your interest in being a guest on the show.