The new Barbie is being remoulded to reflect a broader view of beauty. The new dolls represent a line that is reflective of the world girls see around them – the variety of looks, body types, skin tones and styles that allows girls to find a doll that speaks to them. Lego, attacked for lack of diversity unveiled a figure in a wheelchair at the London toy fair.
I was so glad that I stayed up to watch the Super Bowl and the half time entertainment. The variety and the sheer splash of talent and colours were very beautiful and touching.
Leadership both at board , staff and volunteer level should reflect the range and variety of talent, experiences and perspectives. Cross- gender teams have been found to be effective, efficient and good at making the best decisions.
My 3 top tips are:
Diverse teams should be talented – tokenistic appointments simply won’t do.
Talent should be channelled for the well being of our boards, our leadership and volunteer teams. There is no need attracting the talent and not using it!
Attracting diversity requires doing things differently and going where we probably have not gone before. For some it may represent a new frontier. Our teams will be built by simply starting out – taking the first step and learning as we go along. Read more