I confess sometimes I watch mindless reality TV programmes such as the Apprentice. When I read that two apprentices rivals traded insults after cat fights, were at each other’s throats, had a ‘screaming’ row during filming and continued to trade insults on social media, I asked whether programmes such as these display leadership in a good light. Lord Sugar trumps the need to be strong and competitive.
Management theory tells us the effective leader is vulnerable and authentic. The polarities are clear. What kind of leadership is needed to be considered successful? Whatever answer we arrive at I think trading insults and behaving in a way that we cannot self manage our emotions or responses is definitely not the way to role model leadership that makes a difference.
I am reminded of the words of Max De Pree – “In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are”.
If we tend to fly off the handle it may be worth working out how to squash our reactions by knowing what triggers them. Now that is some homework! Let’s hear from you.