Steps to Achieving Effective Governance

  Effective governance is achieved by taking a long term view – this can be quite challenging in the face of uncertainty about the future. The temptation can be to make choices based on limited...

Six Golden Guidelines for Effective Governance

I love the line in Pirates of the Caribbean where one of the actors alluded to policies that needed to be adhered to by the Pirates. The other Pirate retorted, ‘they are not so much policies; they are...

When is Conflict Good ?

African Saying “You have to take your head to the barber in order to get your hair cut.”Insight: There are certain tasks you simply cannot delegate. You identify and prioritise the ones that you (and...

Sharing What you Think can Really Impact on How you Do Business

Governance is not just about regulation, policies and procedures: it has a human face too. Board agendas are often cramped, meaning that more personal, sometimes difficult and uncomfortable matters do...

Time to Think For More Effective Decision Making

In today’s fast moving environment we hardly have time to think or even breathe!  Decisions can be made quickly with very little discussion, deliberation or debate.  However decisions that have a big...

Servant Leadership a Platform for Effective Leadership

Servant leadership is so impactful, yet many people think of leadership as a means of control and exercising power, sometimes in inappropriate ways.   Power used in the wrong way is very destructive...