Lessons on Leadership – learning from the Ebola Crisis

When the Ebola epidemic broke out in West Africa, a man tried to enter Nigeria for  treatment. He was held at the International airport by a leading doctor and her colleague. The gentleman was never...

Nudges in Board Codes of Conduct – How can They Help?

When standards are unclear or unenforced; it is easy for individuals to feel emboldened to engage in questionable behaviours that are readily rationalised. Environments, cultural expectations...

Leadership & Diversity – 3 Innovative & Creative Tips on How to Achieve This

The new Barbie is being remoulded to reflect a broader view of beauty.  The new dolls represent a line that is reflective of the world girls see around them – the variety of looks, body types...

Two stands to ‘New’. Lets go for it!

I am sometimes unclear about when to stop saying ‘happy new year’.  Last year someone told me, at the end of January it is best to stop this seasonable compliment. Two different Greek words  exist for...

Celebrate Good Things

I recently celebrated my birthday.   It was a good day and thankfully the weather was lovely. The best part of all was being with my family and friends in an atmosphere of unity, care and nurture.  It...

The Critical Friend

Critics point out what is wrong . Critics  can leave you feeling bad about yourself or even break hearts. Critics are programmed to inspect, nitpick, and form negative opinions...